Sunday 16 October 2016

The weekend

Its been a lovely weekend here - hope you've had likewise.  Hit Shek O beach on Saturday morning early, nice swell, temp fantastic, sunny day - was in the surf for a good two hours (could barely turn my head the next morning after a couple of less than graceful plantings - tick tock), had an egg and bacon roll at one of the little dai pai dongs and headed home - fantastic.  Managed to get to bed pretty early, so was up at 4.45 to hit the road on my bike - first time in a while - I'll spare you the expletives - but its not getting easier - delightful morning out though, caught the sunrise out near the golf club - and was home in time to head off to Aiden's rugby match in the equivalent of Pitsonderwater in HK (literally, as far as you can drive in one direction from our house in HK).  Was too lazy to take the camera, which I regretted, because Aiden was absolutely fierce at fullback.  He put in one tackle on their outside centre that earned one of those collective "oooh"s from watching parents on both sides. I celebrate this not because I want him to become a beast, but rather that I admire his courage enormously, because he's not (thankfully) a remotely aggressive or rough child.  His team played super-well, and ended up trouncing Valley-Fort 21-0 (though the scoreline did, in fairness to them, not reflect the game).  Ev hit practice at the same time in Sai Kung, and then spent the early afternoon working on his Halloween outfit, the head of which looks like this:


The three of us chilling in a lull in the waves - crop zoom pic from Ange's phone - 
so not doing the beauty of the place justice.  It's exquisite.
Aiden walking off after the game this morning - settling into full-back really nicely; 
also getting properly fit, which always helps.
All in all, the outcome of it was this, at 3.30pm in the afternoon.
I thought I was justified.  The cat is simply obscene; As fat as it is lazy.

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