Tuesday 25 December 2018

Sheung Sze Wan + Lobster Bay Twelve Days of Christmas singalong

Morning eyeballing of the loot under the tree, waiting for Aiden to wake up...
Holly kicking back on the sofa arm, watching the unwrapping. Cross looking owl-cat.

Evan and Aiden amidst the goods.
It's been a cool Christmas day, though of course it would be better if we could see you and Rose.  In cool, slightly watery winter light, we had a cross-water "12 days of Christmas" with our village singing the evens, and Lobster Bay across the water singing the odds - and the chorus for all.  It was bizarre and silly and delightful, with the delay as the sound travelled muted across the water.  Later on we had an all in Christmas late lunch at the Schatz's house (including a Christmas themed, inter-family combination of Charades and 30 Seconds called In The Bowl which was great fun ... except that we came last, followed by a Christmas Trivia competition, which was also great fun ... except that we came last again.  We've passed a family edict that we are going to invent a summer Christmas in South Africa version and get more organised as a team.  Giggling.

Passing Michael and Gracie on the way down the hill to the slipway rendezvous.

Rory, Elize and Christian

Alex with Tilly, Lara and Gracie

Waiting for the single carol to begin - the Twelve days of Christmas, alternate verses sung across the water, all in on the chorus.

Midway through, the Sheung Sze Wan crew, far in the middle on the other side, the Lobsters.

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