Sunday 5 November 2017

Ev makes Stingray's first team as lock

Can't say that I was thrilled to hear that Ev was selected as lock, but he was chuffed to have made the first team, and said he thought it was cool, scrumming, lineout jumping, and tackling of course - so off we went for the season's first tournament at Happy Valley.  I discovered that there are real challenges taking pics of under 12 locks - they are always buried in a pile of bodies. 

Walking through the subway under the Happy Valley racetrack - headgear ready to go.

Packing down in the scrum, an early start to those cauliflower ears.

On the charge through the mid-field against Pirates - another reason for headgear - Ev fancies the head-first approach.

A chunk of the day was spent mauling and rucking - the life of a lock

About to crunch the HKFC flanker.

After the tournament, heading home with his mates in lengthening shadows

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