Monday 8 May 2017

Gastro beast

Definitely not the finest weekend here.  Gastro attack hit us late midweek, and down we went like skittles.  Below are Aiden and Evan on Saturday morning - when they would ordinarily be playing footaball - evidence of the egregiousness of the bug.  By Sunday evening we were in a position to venture out, briefly, so went down to the slipway to catch up with the village crew.  The wet figure eight in the bottom pic is the line that Daisy walked after sneaking into the sea for a quick dip.  Courtney has just got back from Uni in Vancouver - so cool to see her - she's smiling because she doesn't have the bug. Hope all is fab with you - I'm on the road for the next three weeks, but back for one of the weekends which is great.  

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