Saturday 9 July 2016

Kak in the parking lot

The good people of the Hong Kong government have decided that the slope outside the back of the house is no longer safe and needs to be replaced.  Mmm.  Six months long this party will be - replete no doubt with jackhammering, compressors, and eventually the dreaded cement mixers.  What I did think was cool however, was the engineering approach - no rush man - just do the thing properly.  The first thing that happens is a wall gets built - to keep bits and pieces from arriving in the parking lot.  But it takes a bite out of the parking lot, of course, so everyone goes from having two parking spaces to having one.  This does not stop some of the people still parking two cars (?!) - but fortunately for us our other car is such an absolute banger that it gets parked in the bushes down the drive.

Behind the wall looks like this - a grid of scaffolding.

Six months requires a properly set up spot though - little house up there for your stuff, as you finish the wall.

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