Tuesday 28 June 2016

The space between the trips ...

I feel that I should have photos of London, but I don't.  This is not because I don't like London, I love it (and look how sensibly it voted in the great Brexit travesty).  It's just that I was too busy thrilling myself by doing things like leaving my wallet in taxis.  Amazingly, and to my utter delight, the wallet was returned to the hotel I was dropped off at by the driver who found it some time later.  Lovely human being.  It took me a while to work out exactly how stuffed I was without it: very.

All over and sorted now, and smiling at the week ahead in Hong Kong.  Some stuff to deal with for sure, couple of night calls - never great - a few anxieties - but then a long weekend with a junk trip, bring it, bring it.

On the patio - so cool to be back - and especially with all the cousins from SA back home, and Polly from Brooklyn NY

Hisako-san and Jacques strike a pose on the pavement in the city.

William Boivin looking damn cool with a cup of coffee, waiting for a meeting to start.

And the reason that one rides - to have a cool shirt with green flames on it.  Mamil from hell.  30 degrees at 5.50am.

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