Sunday 29 November 2015

The joy of being Italian - even just briefly

I thought to myself that this weekend I was going to post something different, something other than boys playing sport - but sadly it was not to be.  At around lunch time I'd been successfully badgered into taking Aiden and Ev down to the marina so that they could kick a ball around.  When we got there, we found a whole lot of marquee type things and big party on the go.  The goal on the far side of the field was not being used, so I said to the guys OK, you can kick around here, but if the people who have booked the place ask us not to, we are going to be super-gracious and not moan or argue and whatnot.  About 40 minutes in, a smartly dressed guy in cool sunnies came over to talk to us, so we though OK, time to go.  Instead of chasing us off, in an Italian accent he instead said, "do the boys want to play in a football match?  They were a bit taken aback - probably because they had seen some much larger boys playing in the goal on the other side of the field, next to where the party was happening ... but before they could say no, I said "yes, how cool, for sure".  OK said the Italian dude, be at the tent on the other side at 2pm, we have kits, and the game will start shortly after, 30 minutes each way.  So at 2 off they went to the other side of the pitch - much activity - and then disappeared off to the change rooms.  They emerged a few minutes later kitted out in adult size Udinese strip.  It was all very formal - the teams lined up at the side of the field and then ran on, to applause from the very fashionably dressed Italians enjoying their lunch.  It was just delightful.  Before kickoff, they lined up on the field for the official team photo, and then the game got under way.

The pre-game team photo; I was half expecting an anthem to be sung.  Ev was not playing his usual keeper position, and was the smallest guy on the field...
...but played with absolute determination, and his usual brand of no-fear, hypercompetitive thuggery.  Thundering in above

...and putting in another killer tackle.

Having initially been appropriately cautious with him, it soon roughed up a whole lot because it became very clear that he was not giving an inch; here clattering into a much bigger dude for another messy, but ball first and therefore legal tackle.

Aiden played right wing and had an absolute ball, showed some pace, fancy footwork, and some deft passing and crossing.  One of his team's goals came from a beautifully floated in corner from him.

 In the end Udinese went down 4 goals to 2 to Genoa, but the beautiful formality of the start had an end to it as well, so there was a cup and a plate and medals for the teams.  Very cool.  Aiden was very impressed, and said afterwards in the car, "it really must be cool to be Italian; I think if you had to choose a country to be born in it would have to be Italy."  Have to say it was hard not to agree - the people were very cool, and the afternoon was just beautiful and a real treat.  How fantastic an outcome for a trip down to the marina to kick a ball around.  Hong Kong can be so otherworldly and cool.

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