Sunday 4 October 2015

First match in his new team

The best part of the story below, is Evan's account of it, written as part of his homework (in which he had to provide an account of something that he'd done that was out of the ordinary for him; all of what follows is true - needless to say it was a less than perfect night's sleep for all).  Here it is:

On Saturday I had a football tournament I was very nervous. That morning I woke up at 5 am and vomited then I got even more nervous. When I got there I had no idea where to go then I saw my coach. I did not know anyone but I saw a Dylan who I knew who is in another school. When we did training I met one person called Aiden. We were not friends at the start but we became friends. Just before we played we did a 5 minute warm up. I played Goalkeeper. In Goalkeeper training there was one other person called Sebastian he was my first friend in squad he was kind.
When the games began we played football club team 1. Aiden said they were one of the best teams, we tied with them 0-0. Our last game was the bowl final the score was 1-0 to us we won the bowl.

Looking so cool in his purple kit (and, as he'd point out, matching gloves and boots)

Shot coming in ... there was action a-plenty and he did so well - pulled off some killer saves (parents suffering from the anxiety of having a kid who is sort of solo and last line of defense - can't watch half the time).  Love this pic, shows the weirdness of the Hong Kong setting, and delightfully, Aiden who came to watch, behind the net in support.

Close-up action from behind the net, another shot coming in.

Collecting the silverware afterwards - always a nice way to end (but even more delightfully, while being hyper-competitive, afterwards it does not seem a massive issue for him, appears to enjoy himself thoroughly irrespective; the delight of intrinsic reward).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Richard :) Susan showed me your blog and I really love reading it and seeing all the pics!
    Lots of love, Lara
