Tuesday 14 July 2015

How does one construct a narrative - upside down? Part 3 of 3

And then there was the beauty and the personal little milestones in-between.  The summer. Hot, heavy-humid, languid long days. A pleasure cruiser anchored in Sheung Sze Wan bay; as usual, monster surf thunders ashore.

On a Thursday afternoon, a Typhoon warning shut the city down, at about the same time as it kindly turned sharply right and headed up towards Japan.  Jacques and his whole family came round for an early dinner, including Hisako and her two girls Miki and Maya, Jaques mum - aged 78 and an absolute delight - remembers the occupation of Paris by the Nazis when she was a young girl - always amazing that something so seeming so far away in time is so close - Jacques' two kids, Chad and Sasha, and his nephew Antoine.  It was so utterly lovely spending time with them.

It's in the low 30's at night, so the evening dip is always a delight - here is Aiden in Trevor and Lexie's pool.

The major milestone has been his finishing Primary School - in August he's off to the mighty KGV - 2200 students on a get-lost easily campus - no doubt awash with all the perils of teenagehood.  We hold thumbs.  I was traveling, so Courtney and Jordan kindly attended his last assembly, which he was delighted about, Jordan standing on tippie-toes expressly for the purpose of making herself taller than Courtney.

No-one was more delighted than Ev though - only one thing he likes more than having his older cousins pay him a visit at school (Courtney not caught napping with the tippie-toes this time :-)

Enjoying Dylan, at a Thai food guzzling session

And a super-cool new hairstyle (delivered by dad no less) to start working on that whole high-school thing.

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