Tuesday 12 May 2015

A surprise in Frankfurt

 This was a very lovely surprise for me in Frankfurt: before I started working for CFA, I went to their annual conference in Singapore.  On the first morning I was there, I went down to breakfast in the hotel, and started chatting to this lovely lady that I met.  We ended up having breakfast together.  Later on it turned out that she is the mum of a senior colleague of mine, Jenine, and had traveled to Singapore with her.  Two years later, Frankfurt, the same CFA Annual conference, and guess who was there, again traveling with Jenine.  It was a very cool little reunion - and a reminder of the great delight there is to be had chatting to people who you don't know - but might well end up knowing and being so much better for it.  Lovely life; and lightning quick photographic skills on the part of Jenine, who kindly sent me these two photos.

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