Saturday 2 November 2013

US Office in Charlottesville Virginia

I've often heard South Africans say of our country that it is "the most beautiful..." in this and that way.  I can't see any point in doing that. There is a very great deal of beauty - and I don't really travel to places for eye-candy as such.  Simon Oz has showed me pictures of Alaska, Iceland, New Zealand and no doubt a few others, which are shatteringly beautiful.  It seems that it is better to abandon any nationalist project and just open the eyes.  These are photos of our head office in Charlottesville in the US.  I was just astounded by the raging beauty of it all. 

This is our building, on the right, number 560
Just the other side of the parking lot, a lawn-wide avenue, wild autumn leaves
Across the road you can disappear into the woods; fantastic colour and perfume, detail and light; leaf-carpeted path
Fabulous to experience an autumn's ochre

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