Sunday, 27 June 2021

A kak year, medically speaking

 I remember one of Simon's hyper-well heeled connections saying, at the age of 80, in the end, the only thing that matters is your health.  It's one of those sentences that you might feel, yes, well, likely a truth... and then you have some very mild taste of tiny inconvenience, and whew.  So the first six months of the year have dished up an emergency appedix op, some stitches in the shin (which took an age to heal, almost a month of not swimming, which meant 30 days in a row on the bike, in this hot, dry spring, loads of shit and grit in the eyes, and then, a double delightful thing called a chalazion, cut and mauled out.  The eye thing was by far the most uncomfortable.  Any way - I'm hoping for a change of fortune...


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