Sunday, 23 June 2019

Rob Arro's fifty-party and NextGen comes home

It's been a massively peopled weekend - beginning with a Saturday on which somehow it seemed that nearly all the village kids came home - summer starting in the Northern Hemisphere - and it's such a delight to see. 

It all kicked off with Rob Arro's 50th birthday celebration.  I'm not sure if you remember Rob, but he was properly f***ed up in a boat accident a decade plus ago.  The man's fortitude and steel is remarkable.  A massive statement in resilience.  The village clubbed together and bought him a new, light-weight, high-tech wheelchair.  It's very cool, with the latest battery and motor tech.  He told me that it is restricted to 6kmh - but unrestricted, is good for 50kmh!  Hopefully he does not remove the restricter; pre-accident days he wouldn't have thought twice; and he has the technical know-how for that not to be a problem.  You can see the new zoomer below. Fab day - all that fiery hot, superhumid - but fabulously clean - air from the Philippines blowing right in.

Watching children grow into adults - it's not something that I seem to think of - somehow life seems very immediate to me - so there's some measure of surprise to see them all together again, remembering them as a gang of just-post-nappie pickles when we first arrived.  I also think their relationships are special - it's unusual in our sadly suburban lives to grow up in a community outside a family - and yet here it is - and it feels much more family than friends. 

Sadly I didn't get pics of all the kids, waved the camera around when Dylan, Rory and Christian were are the party.  I'm particularly grumpy about a supercool photo of Jordan that I took - but which was horribly out of focus (wtf electronics - really - autofocus?) - I will have to head down there and beg her for a replacement.


Allie and Courtney

Amber - Dylan's friend from South Africa - her mom lives and works here.

Dana and Allie

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