Friday, 30 September 2016

Junk roof jumping fun - the far side of summer

This blog seems pretty reluctant on the video front - which is a pity - because Aiden has a GoPro and its actually a very cool piece of kit for the water.  Given its reluctance, I've had to resort to some stills instead - and they seem to come out pretty well; so here is to the end of summer, a glorious day off Tai O:

Floating on a pool noodle with Ev - who together with Aiden must have jumped off the roof of the junk a hundred times.

The view from the roof, funny thing about a junk, when you're standing on the roof it's higher than it seems.
Ev about to go again.

Water on the lens - Ev launching himself out for the umpteenth time.  A day of this can build up a fierce hunger in
a ten year old.

Did have a giggle at this - the difference in expressions on the faces of people of different ages; closed eyes
and degrees of horror, vs oh yay! Cool; wooohooo.

And then of course Aiden, where it has to be a cartwheel or a somersault (should be summersault). 

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