Saturday, 28 May 2016

What's been happening? Not much

Trying hard to focus on life outside work - though that is somewhat thin.  Cool thing though is that I'm loving the job at this moment.  Just had our regional team in town for two days of planning - it was great.  I'm completely on the straight and narrow - which makes parties such a drag, and no-one wants to hear about the endorphin loading of others.  My road rocket has a new chainring - that's exciting.  Facetiousness aside, if you ever get into cycling, think twice about getting a carbon frame (hard to avoid these days) - they are finicky and temperamental things.  Mine has an appetite for bottom bracket bearings (wtf, I have once before in my life needed new bottom bracket bearings - on an old bike that I rode in a river a lot).  So while carbon is an absolute delight when its working - doing this again I would opt for titanium - aluminium being a real bum chopper. The other thing that has changed a whole lot are gear ratios - reflecting the "everyman-ness" of modern cycling. Way back, bikes were 10 and 12 speed - running quite a tight spread of 5 gears at the back, and 53 + 39 tooth chain-rings at the front.  Nowadays the mamil-mobile is running a 50 + 34 with an 11-25 tooth cluster at the back, spread across 11 cogs.  Simon Osborne would be snorting at reading that: a granny gear with a 34/25 ratio - pretty close to 1 to 1.  Very un tour.  Thing is, the hill up to the main road from our village requires me to stand a 34/25 - humbling - but gravity is as gravity does. 90kgs doesn't help.  I was sub 70 in that pic with Mungo.  Eina!

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