Tuesday, 14 July 2015

How does one construct a narrative - upside down? Part 1 of 3

It's the problem with a blog - and the latest post rising to the top.  It's been a (place suitable row of expletives here) intense month, of milestones, droning ordinariness, hallucinogenic weirdness, and those perfect moments of calm delight that keep you afloat amidst it all - if you can get out of your own head long enough to notice them .  How to lay that out, upside down?  My solution - ignore the timeline, and go for the compartments.  So to get it out of the way - I'll start with the bad acid-trip first. I will have to describe this to you over the phone, but here is a clue to remind you to remind me when we next talk:  Here is Ange at the police station, taking strain, in defense of her ...

... eight year old goalkeeper.  (If you can guess the missing bits, I will be seriously worried)

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