Sunday 30 January 2022

Winter morning on the postage stamp


Sheung Sze Wan dawn, from the patio

Awoke to a gorgeous morning - air Antarctic winter clear, but with a sharp wind (and 12 degrees, unusually).  Decided that before failing entirely to engage in an active Sunday life, I would head out to the country park.

Holly was having none of it... too cold... too snug with your paw over your nose.

In the country park looking out over Steep Island, and Ninepins to the left in the background.
Some overnight campers packing up, and a beautifully lit bench.

On the way home I went through this very cool graveyard...

... and by the time I got back the sun was out on the patio.

The cat had uncoiled herself and moved onto the bed.  Perfect Sunday morning.

Monochrome moments

Saturday night football, Tristan and Luke with the boys, Ev sporting his new trim.
"Jy's die ou met die new fresh look; ek's die ou met die pep-stores broek" - Jack Parow

Daybreak morning sprawl

Aiden and Ange, Ev and Aiden looking on from the wall.

Portraits going wrong can be cooler than those which go right :-)

Sunday 23 January 2022

Po Toi O for Kev's birthday

I love a Sunday outing to Po Toi O, love the village, its surrounds, and the wok blasted, deep fried food.  Hope you beauties are having a good weekend.

In Po Toi O's alleys.  Simple geometric stuff, tiny houses, splashes of cool colour.

Steps forming a small boat pickup place for all  tides.  Smart.

Tiny weekend get-away on the other side of the water, Sunday cook-up.

Fisherman and grand-kids

The end of the jetty looking out to the islands. Kids used to fish off the end with handlines when they were little.

Sunday 16 January 2022

Aiden and Evan in January 2022 (and January 2012)

 Here is the photo from a photo, though this is the actual photo, of the boys that I sent you earlier today.  T-shirts are part of Jordan's creation, a business called Bambalam - you can check it out on Instagram.

And for a smile, here is the one that I took of them for Ange's fortieth.

Ange turns fifty - traveling when you cant - the best surprise party ever

The latest round of Covid restrictions put paid to the original plans for a surprise for her - difficult to go for a walk and then to dinner at a restaurant, when the restaurants are closed in the evening ... and in support of government efforts, one really wants to be outside.  (This not being the place to question those judgements as the rest of the world seem largely to be getting on with things now).  To the rescue came the "Mahjong Girls" (Ange has a regular Friday evening Mahjong event with a small group of really divine and caring people).  

Lara (Ange's lovely cousin who lives here) created the grooviest boarding passes, and at 11.00am she and Jason and Robyn and Pieter arrived at our house and presented Ange with her first boarding pass, for the first perambulatory flight, which took off from Hong Kong and flew to India.  Part of the government restrictions are people having to walk in groups of not more than four (I know I know, seems very strange) and so we headed off...

The amazing new "Party Class" which provides passengers with real walking space.
Lara (five months pregnant, very exciting) Robyn (a saint) and birthday girl Ange

Amazing India! Staying at the brilliant  beachfront Roti Shack!  

Arriving in India was as amazing as ever.  I was just astonished at the beauty and talent of Liz, creator of the Roti Shack.  She is an absolute art bomb of a beautiful human being - the signs (as well as the gift box featured at the front of this post) were all created and painted by her.  She had even made individually painted plates, and just fantastic Indian food to go on them, with the most wonderful rum mango lassies alongside.  Pete, as ever the gem, playing his part in a beautiful gilded Bandi.  After an delightful stay in India, the next surprise boarding passes came out, and the plane took off for Phuket...

Brilliant views out over Phuket.

Thailand was just unbelievable.  The divine Kim and Fiona had the appropriate picture of his excellency the King of Thailand in the reception area (with his dog of course), riveting Thai food, coconut cocktails ... even elephants; simply everything that the Thai traveler dreams of.  With the splendour taken in, the next surprise was a flight to sublime South Africa...  

The verdant bush of South Africa - a five star game lodge experience.

Steve and Karma (from Jozi and Msunduzi) made the travel weary smile.  Mieliebrood, biltong, droewors, Amarula, Tafel Lager, and Ghostpops; Steve cracked out some coils of killer boerie, and there were klein koeksusters for desert.  It was a good thing we were observing social distancing, or a flippin langarm fest might have broken out with ZA faves old and new pounding: van Jaluka tot Biggie, with a bit of Jack Parow in-between.  We loved being home.  But all good things must come to an end... or must they? Boom ... a boarding pass for Bali!

Bali was beautiful as always - Robyn and Pieter are diamond class human beings and friends.
Prezzies for Ange :-)

Fortunately Bali is really close to home, so the boys flew in for dinner, and there were beautiful 
orchids from Wendy and Ian.

A Bali beach bonfire, with a birthday cake from Pam, made for the perfect end to the trip.

I am so grateful to all of these super-generous, creative and wonderful people.  They soothed the isolation that Ange feels so keenly, not seeing her family, and for a moment, it was like the past two years had not happened - which on some level they really haven't.  

Loved talking to you today - thanks so much - miss you, love you, love to Mia and everyone else.  Until, one day, travel is real again.

Monday 3 January 2022

And so we launch into the year

 I have had the nicest holiday, so utterly needed, and much looked forward to next.  January however has a few teeth - I have significant work commitments, Aiden has his final mocks, and Ev his GCSEs.  Nothing like a week of Chinese New Year in late January to help ease the pain though.  Wishing you and Mia all the very best for 2022.